Optimized Git configuration ~/.gitconfig for performance and usability

In this article, we’ll explore Git settings that enhance performance and usability.

All the configurations mentioned in this article should be added to the ~/.gitconfig file. This file follows the INI format, with [sections] defining categories and variables = values specifying settings.

Performance tuning

threads = 0
windowMemory = 5g
packSizeLimit = 2g
Code language: plaintext (plaintext)
  • threads = 0: Configures Git to auto-detect the number of CPUs and set the number of threads accordingly.
  • windowMemory = 5g: Allocates up to 5GB as the amount of memory consumed by each thread in git-pack-objects for pack window memory when no limit is specified on the command line. This enhances Git’s efficiency for large repositories.
  • packSizeLimit = 2g: The packSizeLimit configuration in Git determines the maximum size of a packfile that Git will generate. A packfile is a file that contains a collection of objects, such as commits, trees, and blobs, in a compressed format.

Garbage collection

auto = 8000
  • auto = 8000: Automatically triggers garbage collection when the number of loose objects exceeds 8000, optimizing repository storage and performance. The default value is 6700.

Core configurations

whitespace = space-before-tab,trailing-space
preloadindex = true
Code language: plaintext (plaintext)
  • whitespace = space-before-tab,trailing-space Configures whitespace handling.
  • preloadindex = true Preloads the index into memory for improved performance when running Git commands like status and diff. Setting this to true will make Git load the index into memory early in the execution of commands. This can lead to performance improvements for operations that involve the index, especially in repositories with a large number of files..

Merge and pull settings

ff = only

ff = onlyCode language: plaintext (plaintext)

This setting enforce fast-forward merges, preventing unnecessary merge commits and maintaining a linear commit history.

Enhanced diffing

tool = vimdiffCode language: plaintext (plaintext)

This setting uses vimdiff as the default diff tool when git difftool is executed.

Rerere (Reuse Recorded Resolution)

enabled = 1
Code language: plaintext (plaintext)

Enables automatic resolution of previously encountered merge conflicts, reducing the effort required for repeated merges.

Push behavior

default = current
autoSetupRemote = true
Code language: plaintext (plaintext)
  • default = current This configuration automatically pushes the current branch, which helps prevent the error: “fatal: The current branch BRANCH has no upstream branch.” When this setting is in place, Git will push the current branch to the remote, assuming the branch has an upstream set.
  • autoSetupRemote = true This setting automatically sets up remote tracking for new branches, eliminating the need to manually run git branch --set-upstream-to after creating a new branch. It automates the process of linking local branches to their corresponding remote branches. This is useful for users who frequently create new branches, as it reduces the need for repetitive configuration.


Here are aliases that abbreviate common Git commands:

up = pull --rebase --autostash
s = show
cia = commit -a
rc = rebase --continue
amend = commit --amend
commend = commit --amend --no-edit
p = push
pf = push --force
a = add
aa = add -A
st = status -s
co = checkout
b = branch
rh = reset --hard HEAD
pl = pull
d = diff HEAD
dc = diff --cached
dt = difftool
dw = diff --color-words HEAD
sw = show --color-words
l = log
ls = log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h\ %ad%Cred%d\ %Creset%s%Cblue\ [%cn]" --decorate --date=short
logs = log --show-signature --stat
lp = log -p
chp = cherry-pick
chpa = cherry-pick --abort
chpc = cherry-pick --continue
chpq = cherry-pick --quit
chps = cherry-pick --skipCode language: plaintext (plaintext)


This Git configuration enhances usability, improves performance, and simplifies repository management through thoughtful settings and powerful aliases.

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