Python: Extract variables/values from source code comments

The source code in this article can be used to extract variables and values from source code comments. The code is written in Python and uses a combination of regular expressions and Python’s built-in string functions to extract specific information from source code comments.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: James Cherti
# License: MIT
# URL:
"""Extract variables/values from source code comments."""

import re
from typing import Dict

def get_variables_from_comments(
        source_code_content: str,
        comment_pattern: str = r'[^\w\s]+') -> Dict[str, list]:
    """Extract variables/values from source code comments.

    Source code example:
        #!/usr/bin/env python
        # This is a simple comment.
        print("Hello world")
        # myvar: value 1
        # myvar: value 2
        # myvar: value 3
        # AnotherVar: value 1

    Here is how to extract the variables and their values from the
    source code above:
    >>> get_variables_from_comments(source_code_content)
    {'AnotherVar': ['value 1'], 'myvar': ['value 1', 'value 2', 'value 3']}

    source_code_lines = source_code_content.splitlines()

    result: Dict[str, list] = {}
    for line in source_code_lines:
        re_str = (r'^\s*' +
                  comment_pattern +
        match_result =, line)
        if match_result:
            var_name =
            var_value =

            if var_name not in result:
                result[var_name] = []


    return result

def main():
    """Try the method 'get_variables_from_comments()'."""

    source_code = (
        "#!/usr/bin/env python\n"
        "# This is a simple comment.\n"
        "print(\"Hello world\")\n"
        "# myvar: value 1\n"
        "# myvar: value 2\n"
        "# myvar: value 3\n"
        "# AnotherVar: value 1\n"


if __name__ == '__main__':
    main()Code language: Python (python)

Python: Tab completion against a list of strings (readline)

#!/usr/bin/env python
# License: MIT
# Author: James Cherti
# URL:
"""Tab completion against a list of strings (readline)"""

import readline
from typing import Any, List, Union

class ReadlineCompleter:
    """A readline completer."""

    def __init__(self, options: List[str]):
        """Store the options = ['word1', 'word2']."""
        self.options = options
        self.matches: List[str] = []

    def complete(self, _, state):
        """Complete a readline sentence."""
        if state == 0:
            origline = readline.get_line_buffer()
            begin = readline.get_begidx()
            end = readline.get_endidx()
            being_completed = origline[begin:end]
            words = origline.split()

            if not words:
                self.matches = self.options[:]
                    if begin == 0:
                        matches = self.options[:]  # First word
                        first = words[0]  # Later word
                        matches = self.options[first]

                    if being_completed:
                        # Match options with portion of input
                        # being completed
                        self.matches = [w for w in matches
                                        if w.startswith(being_completed)]
                        # Matching empty string so use all candidates
                        self.matches = matches
                except (KeyError, IndexError):
                    self.matches = []

            return self.matches[state]
        except IndexError:
            return None

def input_completion(prompt: Any,
                     list_options: Union[None, List[str]] = None):
    """Read a string from standard input and complete against 'list_options'.

    The trailing newline is stripped. The prompt string is printed to
    standard output without a trailing newline before reading input.

    If the user hits EOF (*nix: Ctrl-D, Windows: Ctrl-Z+Return), raise
    EOFError. On *nix systems, readline is used if available.

    readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete')
    if list_options is None:
        list_options = []

    save_completer = readline.get_completer()
        return input(prompt)

def main():
    """Try input_completion()."""
    list_options = ["yes", "no", "cancel"]
    value = input_completion("Proceed (press the Tab key)? ",
    print("Value:", value)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    main()Code language: Python (python)

A tool to Execute a Command in a new Tmux Window

The Python script allows executing a command in a new tmux window. A tmux window is similar to a tab in other software.

If the script is executed from within a tmux session, it creates a tmux window in the same tmux session. However, if the script is executed from outside of a tmux session, it creates a new tmux window in the first available tmux session.

(Requirement: libtmux)

The Python script:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# License: MIT
# Author: James Cherti
# URL:
"""Execute a command in a new tmux window.

This script allows executing a command in a new tmux window (a tmux window is
similar to a tab in other software).

- If it is executed from within a tmux session, it creates a tmux window
in the same tmux session.
- However, if the script is executed from outside of a tmux
session, it creates a new tmux window in the first available tmux session.


import os
import shlex
import shutil
import sys

import libtmux

SCRIPT_NAME = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])

def parse_args():
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        print(f"Usage: {SCRIPT_NAME} <command> [args...]",

    args = sys.argv[1:]
    args[0] = shutil.which(args[0])
    if args[0] is None:
        print(f"{SCRIPT_NAME}: no {args[0]} in "
              f"({os.environ.get('PATH', '')})", file=sys.stderr)

    return args

def get_tmux_session():
    tmux_server = libtmux.Server()
    if not tmux_server.sessions:
        print(f"{SCRIPT_NAME}: the tmux session was not found",

    tmux_session_id = os.environ["TMUX"].split(",")[-1]
    if tmux_session_id:
            return tmux_server.sessions.get(id=f"${tmux_session_id}")
        except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except

    return tmux_server.sessions[0]

def run_in_tmux_window():
        command_args = parse_args()
        tmux_session = get_tmux_session()
        command_str = shlex.join(command_args)
        tmux_session.new_window(attach=True, window_shell=command_str)
    except libtmux.exc.LibTmuxException as err:
        print(f"Error: {err}.", file=sys.stderr)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Code language: Python (python)

Python: Read the shebang line of a script

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: James Cherti
# License: MIT
# URL:
"""Read the shebang line of a script."""

import sys
import os
import shlex
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union

class ShebangError(Exception):
    """Error with the method read_shebang()."""

def read_shebang(script_path: Union[Path, str]) -> list:
    """Return the shebang line of a file.

    >>> shebang("")
    ['/usr/bin/env', 'bash']

    with open(script_path, "rb") as fhandler:
        line = fhandler.readline().strip().decode()

    if len(line) > 2 and line[0:2] == '#!':
        shebang_split = shlex.split(line[2:].strip())
        if not Path(shebang_split[0]).is_file():
            raise ShebangError(f"the shebang '{shebang_split}' does not exist")

        if not os.access(shebang_split[0], os.X_OK):
            raise ShebangError(f"the shebang '{shebang_split}' is not "

        return shebang_split

    raise ShebangError("the shebang line was not found")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    except IndexError:
        print(f"Usage: {sys.argv[0]} <file>", file=sys.stderr)
        sys.exit(1)Code language: Python (python)

Python: Calculate the size of a directory and its sub-directories

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: James Cherti
# License: MIT
# URL:
"""Calculate the size of a directory and its sub-directories."""

import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union

def get_size(path: Union[Path, str], include_dirs_size=True) -> int:
    """Return the size of a file or a directory in bytes."""
    path = Path(path)
    size = 0

    if path.is_dir():
        list_paths = path.glob("**/*")
    elif path.is_file():
        list_paths = [path]  # type: ignore
        list_paths = []  # type: ignore

    for cur_path in list_paths:
        if not include_dirs_size and cur_path.is_dir():

        if not cur_path.is_symlink():
            size += cur_path.stat().st_size

    return sizeCode language: Python (python)